This week, Her Growth Collective is diving into one of my highest values, connection. My mission with the podcast is all about helping people to connect and feel seen. The more I lean into that, the more I see that I am truly walking out my own desire to feel connected and seen; connected to others, connected to my creator, and connected to myself.
Starting the podcast and putting myself out there was scarier than I thought it would be. I realized it was the fear of being judged that kept me wavering. When you share more of yourself and your heart in a public setting, you open yourself up to criticism and negative opinions. I realized the reason I was so fearful was that the negative feedback would confirm the doubts I had about myself.
I prayed before launching my podcast that God would protect my heart as I started navigating this online world and take away my insecurities. I wanted God to work like a Fairy Godmother and help me connect to what I knew was true about me and who He created me to be, regardless of anyone else’s options. {{{Poof}}}
Then a funny thing happened that wasn’t funny at all happened. Crisis. Life threw me a curve ball but there were unexpected opportunities along the way that still continue to unfold that allow me to connect to my inner wounds and most importantly, heal them. When you walk through a difficult season and are willing to do the work, beautiful things happen. My crisis led me to looking within myself to connect to who I truly am, regardless of anyone else’s thoughts or opinions.
I am grateful that writing with @hergrowthcollective has given me a space to share some of my journey of growth and healing with you. Here’s the thing: if I am going to stand on a platform preaching connection, growth, and healing, God knew that I needed to experience the good, bad, and ugly of it. I’m still walking it out and will be until I die. Praise God! My story isn’t over yet and neither is yours. As I am “flushing out” life on the podcast with my guests, I am keeping you in mind because our hearts are connected. We don’t always need to know the details of each other’s pain because the feelings are universal but so is love and we are truly better together.
This post is written in partnership with #HerGrowthCollective, encouraging women to walk the path of self-development together.