This week’s Her Growth Collective is all about collaboration and teamwork. When I initially thought of this topic, I wanted to talk about the importance of having a strong team around you that can help you be your best self. Some of those team players are your encouragers, your truth tellers, your confidants, and your escapers (I may have made this one up, but I’m talking about those friends that help you “escape” for a while), just to name a few. I may go into that another day, but today is more about the things that can be on our team.
I want to remind you that collaborators and team players aren’t always people. One of the most important team players in my life is music. Songs have a way of helping me process through my thoughts and feelings when my words fail me.
Music has helped me through some of the hardest seasons of my life. There are songs and entire albums that have helped give my feelings a voice when I had no idea where to even start.
The beautiful part about music is that you can revisit it like an old friend whenever you want. It can give you the encouragement or comfort you need when you don’t know how to ask. It can give you the words that your heart so desperately wants to say when you can’t find the words on your own.
Music can also be a way to check in with your past self. Perhaps a song spoke to you during a hard season but no longer resonates with you. What a wonderful opportunity to be curious with yourself and see if you have grown or healed from a past struggle.
If songs don’t speak to you, maybe there’s something else that touches your soul. Art, movies, books, maybe even comedians; whatever is it, don’t discount those as collaborators in your life.
Who or what do you need on your team to help you be your best self? Is there a song that resonates with you? If you feel comfortable, I’d love to know. I will share a couple of my favorites in the comments.
This post is written in partnership with #HerGrowthCollective, encouraging women to walk the path of self-development together.