“Not everyone can build a business around sh*tting their pants but here I am living the dream!” I have used this line to introduce myself lately. Of course, I’m initially going for a laugh and little shock value but my true passion is gathering people together, lowering defenses and connecting over the real sh*t in life.
This week’s Her Growth Collective is all about authenticity and bringing the real you.
When I started the podcast, one of the driving forces was using that story as a way to illustrate the power of shame. This was initially something I was going to take to my grave since I felt I had done something so horrible, if anyone knew just how gross I was, I would be rejected. Once I started sharing it with friends and small groups of people, I was astounded at how many other people had similar stories. I realized that by opening up first, showing that I was a safe person to share with, it allowed them to share their stories.
When it comes to sharing it with larger groups and introducing myself in different circles, I have found myself editing my story. Of course, there are times when we need to read the room. For example, I’ll use “poop” with the younger crowd even though “sh*t” really gets the message across (you’re welcome). When it comes to changing words, I’m being appropriate for my audience; however, when I try to bypass this story all together, I know that I am editing myself out of fear. Fear of rejection, criticism, failure and any other negative emotions that flood my mind.
I know not everyone will connect with me, my story, and my message. Every day I get more and more ‘ok’ with that.
Thankfully, God knows that there are much bigger stories that need to be told and this trivial one is simply a way to break the ice to start and continue sharing our sh*t. Not every story is meant to be shared publicly, which is why authenticity does not mean sharing all of your stuff with everyone. Authenticity means showing up as your most genuine self.
My most genuine self means that even if I am embarrassed, my conviction for truth outweighs my fears. My most genuine self means that even when something is painful, I am willing to dig deeper to find a bigger lesson. My most genuine self knows that healing is found in the light that comes from openness.
Who are you when you are being your most genuine self? I hope you can live out your most genuine self and show up as the amazing person you are today!
This post is written in partnership with #HerGrowthCollective, encouraging women to walk the path of self-development together.