
What are you grateful for in 2020?  

I never thought I would have said this in January but the thing I am most grateful for is heartbreak.  2020 showed me that heartbreak can lead to healing.  

I’m always trying to change my perspective to find the wisdom in our perceived failures and I’m seeing that our emotional wounds create those same opportunities for growth but it’s not easy.

The beautiful thing about pain and heartbreak is that it provides an opportunity for you to identify the places you need healing. The ugly part about pain is that it rips you apart and exposes those tender parts you have worked so hard to protect. 

This past year, there has been pain that is so deep it’s hard to describe but there has also been healing that feels miraculous.

I started my podcast because I thought I was supposed to spread the “idea” that the parts of our story we want to hide are often the ones that we need to share (with boundaries) to be set free.  2020 was the year where I was able to prove my theory. 

I’m walking into 2021 more committed than ever to living out my mission.  I’m excited to continue growing my podcast and other endeavors but 2020 has also allowed me to release many of the expectations of what I think success will look like moving forward.  

The healing of 2020 has given me the confidence and insight to truly know that we can have hope even in our darkest hours.  I’m grateful to have weathered the storm and to have seen the rainbow so that when the skies inevitably open up again, hope will remain.  If you are still waiting on the rainbow, I am praying you can hold on to hope.

This post is written in partnership with #HerGrowthCollective, encouraging women to walk the path of self-development together.




Beauty of Simplicity