Authentic Giving

Shame lives in the dark and the longer we try to hide our struggles, the more it festers and grows. One of shame’s biggest lies is that if we show people our authentic selves, we will be rejected.  However, when we are able to freely give those parts of ourselves, we can combat our shame while also giving people the opportunity to share their own authentic selves.

That level of vulnerability involves risk, which is why boundaries are so important. We can’t guarantee how others will react to our story; however, as I lean more into my stuff, I understand that people’s reactions are more a reflection of their own stuff rather than mine (which also means that my reactions are more of a reflection of my own stuff than theirs).

The greatest gift we can give others, and receive in return after sharing our stories of shame, is compassion. We are better able to authentically give compassion to others when we are able to give it to ourselves

This is why I am a firm believer in working out our own shit.  This keeps us from projecting it on others and also being able to detect when others project onto us.  

If you are struggling to show compassion to others, start with yourself.  What parts of yourself do you need to show more compassion?

Image is the quote: “Sharing your story with vulnerability is not only a gift to yourself, helping to lift the veil of shame, but also gives those on the receiving end the gift of authenticity to help share more of their own story.”

This post is written in partnership with#hergrowthcollective, encouraging women to walk the path of self-development together.


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